Although these programs Colombia remains the world's leading producer of cocaine with approximately 70% of worldwide distribution and 90% of processing, according to a State Department report of the United States in 2004.
In June 2008, according to a report of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, this warned of the growth of coca crops in the country during 2007. While in 2006 included 78,000 hectares of crops planted in 2007 increased to 99,000.
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria was born on December 1949 a man who over the years many work gave the government of that country.
Pablo Escobar studied high school at a school in Medellin, where he joined a gang to steal headstones from cemeteries to sell then. The found low-paying business and changed the "job" for auto theft, business in which he was involved in the traffic after marijuana.
That was the beginning of the career criminal Pablo Escobar. Between 1970 and 1973, when he started talking about the income of the alkaloid to Medellin from Peru and Bolivia, Escobar Gaviria served as connection to transport narcotics and raw material for cocaine processing and dies in 1993
biography :
The most important information about Escobar is that , he was born to a poor farmer and a school teacher, Hemilda Gaviria. He and his brother, Roberto Escobar, were so poor that once Pablo was sent home from school because he had no shoes.
Pablo was very well educated, but his vocation lay in crime (a vocation that would ultimately claim his life later on with a premature and violent death), and his first step on the ladder was to work for the multi-millionaire contraband smuggler Alvaro Prieto. Through his dedication and guile, Pablo became a millionaire by the time he was.
The war against Escobar ended on December 2, 1993, as he tried to elude the Search Bloc one more time. Using radio triangulation technology provided as part of the United States efforts, a Colombian electronic surveillance team found him hiding in a middle-class barrio in Medellin.
Opinion: Our opinion is that Pablo`s live in his beginning was pretty good, because he studied in a great school, but he decided to go to the bad side, so he start with robbery then to the traffic work, and he turn up multimillionaire really fast, but like we said “money is not everything in life”, and finally he ended dead.
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His Victims
Even being important or high-profile did not protect you from Escobar if he wanted you out of the way. He ordered the assassination of presidential candidates and was even rumored to be behind the 1985 attack on the Supreme Court, carried out by the 19th of April insurrectionist movement in which several Supreme Court Justices were killed. On November 27, 1989, Escobar’s Medellín cartel planted a bomb on Avianca flight 203, killing 110 people. The target, a presidential candidate, was not actually on board. In addition to these high-profile assassinations, Escobar and his organization were responsible for the deaths of countless magistrates, journalists, policemen and even criminals inside his own organization.
The Height of Power
By the mid- 1980’s, Pablo Escobar was one of the most powerful men in the world. Forbes magazine listed him as the seventh-richest man in the world. His empire included an army of soldiers and criminals, a private zoo, mansions and apartments all over Colombia, private airstrips and planes for drug transport and personal wealth reported to be in the neighborhood of $24 billion. He could order the murder of anyone, anywhere, any time.La Catedral Prison
In 1991, due to increasing pressure to extradite Escobar, the Colombian government and Escobar’s lawyers came up with an interesting arrangement: Escobar would turn himself in and serve a five-year jail term. In return, he would build his own prison and would not be extradited to the United States or anywhere else. The prison, La Catedral, was an elegant fortress which featured a Jacuzzi, a waterfall, a full bar and a soccer field. In addition, Escobar had negotiated the right to select his own “guards.” He ran his empire from inside La Catedral, giving orders by telephone. There were no other prisoners in La Catedral. Today, La Catedral is in ruins, hacked to pieces by treasure hunters looking for hidden Escobar loot.
On The Run
Everyone knew that Escobar was still running his operation from La Catedral, but in July of 1992, it came out that Escobar had ordered some disloyal underlings brought to his “prison,” where they were tortured and killed. This was too much for even the Colombian government, and plans were made to transfer Escobar to a normal prison. Fearing he could be extradited, Escobar escaped and went into hiding. A massive manhunt was organized, with help from the United States Government. By late 1992, there were two organizations searching for him: the Search Bloc, a special, US-trained Colombian task force, and “Los Pepes,” a shadowy organization of Escobar’s enemies, made up of family members of his victims and financed by Escobar’s main business rival, the Cali Cartel.
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